The forest mods 0.50
The forest mods 0.50

the forest mods 0.50 the forest mods 0.50 the forest mods 0.50

We did our best to match all objects with their modellingand placements. I am sure most of the simmerswill be satisfied even with this “incomplete” version. Everyone should know that we are aware of the missingfeatures and we will be working on them as the time goes by (and pressure is eased). Mind you, this is NOT a finished project BY ANY MEANS but we decided to share it as “open beta” so that peopleenjoy their flights in and out of Istanbul in MSFS 2020.


This rendition of the scenery is a conversion of our X-Plane 11 (WIP) scenery and we decided that we shouldslow down with the X-Plane 11 version and concentrate more on the MSFS 2020 platform as -unfortunately- LTFMis not included in the simulator even as a default airport. Here It Is, Finally! Our Second Project For MSFS 2020 And This Time It Is Enormous!

The forest mods 0.50